For me, its always a wonder why people think God is out of touch with the world today. I mean, He is God eternal... a being that transcends time, space and power.... the perfect being. And yet, we label Him as a has been. How? If He is the perfect being and Creator of all, with the knowledge of all things that happen in the present and future, and the source of all wisdom in this universe, how could he be out of touch? That taken into consideration, wouldn't He be always in touch with the times, and we simply just catching up with Him? He would know current trends AND future trends, whether it'd fashion or finance. So whats up?
Maybe because people think that God is an ol' fuddy duddy and party pooper. Why? Cause there's lots of things that He says are good and bad? And that we perceive His advice to be irrelevant? Consider this... if God is omniscient and omnipresent, how could He be wrong? If he is the all loving being that we all recognize him to be, how could He wish us anything but the best? Anything that you think is fun and important now, like sex and drugs, might not be as important as you think, and He knows this. Remember, HE is the embodiment of all wisdom, and hence would make the best counselor, and being all knowing, He would know what He's talking about, don't you think? There's lots of fun to be had within the 'God limitations' more than many realize.
Being the humans that we are, we have the tendency to rebel against higher authorities. We've never really grown out of the angsty teenage mold we grew into. We treat God as nothing more than a dated fashion accessory to be dumped, like we do our parents, rather than an all powerful being that He is. Or maybe He's just 'BORING'?
Why is He boring? What did he ever do to suggest that? Perhaps the culprits behind God's label are Christians ourselves. We've gotten so stuck to traditions and doctrines, that most of us have forgotten that we still live in the world, and that we're still subject to the whims of time, and to LIVE to the values that God teaches us. There's nothing in the God's Word (the Bible) that prohibits Christians from being hip and having fun, but within certain limitations [no sex and drugs].
Jesus was not the 'all work and no play' kind of guy. He had his share of parties that he attended to and entertained people. He drank wine, but never got drunk and never was rude. He was also honest and frank to the people He met, rather than putting on masks just so people would like him. He was who He is, and acted accordingly.
And on top of all this, we know that God has a sense of humour. We've only got to look at the world most ridiculous animal, the platypus, as evidence of this.

I'll leave you with this 6 panels of Sinfest comics to ponder upon.
P.S. If you're wondering who the people on the clouds are, they're hand puppets of God.