Friday, August 13, 2004


I feel that my last post wasn't nearly as cynical as I had intendid to be, simply because I was tired then. Oh well.

I know I haven't been posting much up lately. I've still yet to discipline myself to sit down and type my thoughts out, as well as train myself to remember the thoughts I had before I sat in front of a computer.

You may have also noted that I've added two new faves; the Norm and Count Your Sheep. Any Calvin and Hobbes fan should quickly appreciate Michael Jantze's take on ordinary life, while Count Your Sheep is a really cutesy wootsy type of comic and make for very light reading. If I had my own credit card, I would have already bought copies of their collections.

Thanks to many other comic artists, I've decided to try my hand at comics. I've been followed the exploits of some of them and have become very very inspired to make the world laugh. Now all I have to do it come up with a theme...

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