Thursday, October 27, 2005

Okay okay, I've been tagged.

Well, I've been tagged by Jolene, and that was back in August, so this post has been long overdue. So now I have to list 10 things I like about anything, and then tag 5 other blogs,

Instead of 10 songs I dig, as dear Jo did, I'm gonna name 10 baby names that I'm want to use when I'm a father:
1. Penelope
2. Danielle
3. Alexandra
4. Caitlin
5. Erin
6. Bishop
7. Conrad
8. Gael
9. Fox
10. Zeke

I know I'm cheating, having half boy and half girl names, but who cares? Anyways, I'm not saying that I want ten kids, but I'd like a name list to work with, just in case.

Who am I gonna tag right now? Gonna tag a couple a friends from Singapore: Dawn and Diane, How Chun, Shawn and Ken Lai.

Have fun guys!

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