Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Back from Blogging Hiatus

Nyeh, for those of you that care, I'm back to blogging.

Anyhow, just wanted to announce a really sad predicament. I'm addicted to backgammon. Despite the fact that the computer is such a loser, which make for repetitive and boring games, I'm still playing it. I should consider getting a PSP.

Update for the technogeeks out there. I've got a U2 iPod for my birthday. WOOHOO!! That was a couple of months back, but yeah, I'm still totally geared up about it.

Oh, for those of you still not in the know, I've managed to get a trainee copywriter position at an advertising agency. At first I dreaded the idea that I might have to regularly stay late for work, but I've come to enjoy the late nights. Hence my constant demands that someone give me something to do. This job is awesome.

I'm totally hyped up about this year's upcoming films. Its like a total revolution in the film industry. I mean, when in our history had we so many comic book movies being released in a single year? Woe to the man that doesn't visit the silver screens this year.

One more thing... if you like dogs then you're in for a treat:


enn@j said...

comrade kenny,

Ahhhhh...finally u r back! Erhmmm, did my blogging fever spread to u? (hehe..perasan a bit)

Man, i realised it's been 6 months since you last blog! Kudos! Welcome back you backslidder ;p

That's pebbles in action huh?

tc boi said...

nice to see u blog again... i enjoy reading your blogs u know??