Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Lets clear things up

A friend just brought up a very real and valid point about the ONE Campaign. What's the point of educating, lets say, 100 million people if there aren't 100 million job openings to support them? Can the impoverished country's economy sustain so many workers?

To quote the old saying:
Give a man to fish, you him feed for a day,
teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.

Basically, its a question whether or not this campaign is a single pronged attack on poverty...

I'm just going to say that its a multi-pronged attack against poverty. I suggest that you DO visit the link to the ONE Campaign by clicking on the image below or the banner further down to find out more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Finally clarified the issue. It makes more sense attacking the issue in multiple angles rather than just going for one and leaving the rest.

I would think that if everyone works together and coordinate, some work on proverty, others on education, then on corruption, infrastructure and so on, there would be a higher chance of success. Rather than you do your job I'll do mine with minimal cooperation.

Hate to see aid agencies fight for local resources instead of working together for the cause.