Thursday, June 09, 2005

I'm a bloody sad case

Last night I stayed at work till midnight trying to write up some heart wrenching story in less than 20 words. And came up with zilch! Makes me wanna shoot myself on the foot. Oh well, at least someone else managed to do it, so all is not lost.

Anyhoohow, my day's just dandy today. Some lady at McD's made the act of accidentally spilling her Coke all over the floor such a great big soap opera. I mean, who drops a coke and then gasps so loud as to drown out an entire restaurant during lunchbreak? Sheesh! Not only that, she managed to get the coke all the way up to my pockets! I mean, I was standing right next to her, and the coke fell on the floor, but how does it reach my pockets!?


enn@j said...

LOL ;)

Anonymous said...

Erm.. better question, why were you standing with your pants down? That's why it reached your pockets.. You PERV.. bWahahAAhhaHa