I have to admit that I'm a Discovery Channel and Nationaly Geographic junkie. I'm into the predators, crime stories, science and all that jazz. Very guy stuff.
However, yesterday my favourite past time was interrupted. While I was throroughly enjoying
Urban Legends, I noticed a gap in the narration. At first I though it was just a bad signal. Then it happened again. After the thrid time, I realised, to my horror and disgust, what was happening.
I couldn't believe it. I still remember one of the lines that was censored.
Urban Legends was covering the story of a woman dying after trying on a coat from the Burlington Coat Factory. It was later found that there were baby snakes in the coat, and that they had bitten the unwitting customer when she tried on the coat. Urban Legends later explained that the story was false, but the reasons why it was so prevalent was:
"... because we're aware that most textiles and fabric products are manufactured in third world countries like (blank), (blank), and Mexico where exotic and venomous snakes are also found."
This dialogue was censored while Indians were on-screen.
So, was the dialogue censored in deference to the Indians in Malaysia? But why? Do Malaysian Indians feel some sort of nationalistic loyalty to a country to which they're only related by name. Or would Malaysian Indians feel that
Urban Legends is talking about Malaysian Indians in general?
Also, who determines what we learn from Discovery Channel? The act of selectively censoring what we learn on educational channels seems questionable. Granted,
Urban Legends isn't the last word in education, but what's to stop the board from censoring other programs on other educational channels. Unless, I call the censorship board, I'll probably never know the reasons why.
Whatever the reasons, the real issue was why they chose to save India from being called a snake exporting, Third World country, but not Mexico. Mexico should be just as worthy to receive 'protection' from bad press, shouldn't it? Is it because it's acceptable to diss other countries other than the countries of which your own ethnic groups are named after, if not your own?
What about you? What do you think about Discovery being censored?